Is Incense BAD for cats?

Is Incense BAD for cats?

You're perceptive for asking this because your cat's safety is crucial.

The short answer is...

Yes, incense can be harmful to cats because the smoke and particles may irritate their lungs.

You should avoid burning your incense in front of them because it will keep their respiratory systems healthier.

In more detail, the potential dangers arise from the chemicals used in incense and the particulate matter produced during burning.

Cats are particularly sensitive to airborne particles, and inhaling the smoke could cause respiratory distress.

Additionally, some incense formulations may contain essential oils or other substances that are toxic to cats when ingested or inhaled.

How to keep your cat SAFE

  • Burn incense in well-ventilated areas
  • Avoid direct exposure between it and your cat

You should always monitor your cat's behavior and consult a veterinarian if you notice any signs of distress or illness.

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